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Graham's Green Energy Blog

Hello! My name is Graham and this is my green energy blog. I was inspired to start this blog when my 8-year-old son returned home from school with his science homework. The homework consisted of information and questions relating to climate change. I was shocked to discover the impact humankind was having on the planet so I decided to take action. I contacted a green energy company and asked them to conduct an assessment on my home. I then installed double-glazed windows and solar panels on my home. These measures mean I do not need to rely on carbon generated power.


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Graham's Green Energy Blog

Does your business have an odour problem?

by Robert Watson

No business operates in a vacuum. Your business activities will have an impact not just on your staff but on your neighbours, your local area and on the natural environment. This connected-ness is the reason that there are rules about how your company can operate and what you can and can't do on your site. No doubt you are familiar with restrictions governing, noise, and the emission of harmful chemicals into the environment. One set of rules which you may be less familiar with involves the release of odours into the environment.

1. Is odour a serious problem?

You may not notice the odour your business generates, especially if you are used to working with it every day, however, your neighbours will notice it and they are unlikely to appreciate it. A smell can quickly become a source of annoyance and even start to affect the quality of life of those who must live or work near it. If you need to take control of the smell produced by the activities of your company, then working with a company of odour control consultants is the best way to ensure the problem is dealt with swiftly and effectively.

Inaction on the odour problem is not an option. If you fail to act when you discover that an odour is emanating from your premises then you could find that your business becomes liable to a fine or perhaps, even shut down to preserve the lives of those around you. Instead of letting that happen, call in some local odour control consultants and let them tackle the problem before the problem worsens. 

2. What can odour control consultants do to help?

When you first notice an odour, you may register that it is unpleasant or particularly strong. However, you may not be able to identify a specific source and you may have no idea how it can be prevented or contained. When you call in odour control consultants they will be able to track the odour to the source. Next, they will analyze the odour to identify the cause of the odour. All of the data which they collect will be used to help them find a way of controlling the odour or neutralising the odour. Once the odour has been contained, your business activities will able to continue without impacting those around you or leaving you with the risk of legal penalties.
