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Graham's Green Energy Blog

Hello! My name is Graham and this is my green energy blog. I was inspired to start this blog when my 8-year-old son returned home from school with his science homework. The homework consisted of information and questions relating to climate change. I was shocked to discover the impact humankind was having on the planet so I decided to take action. I contacted a green energy company and asked them to conduct an assessment on my home. I then installed double-glazed windows and solar panels on my home. These measures mean I do not need to rely on carbon generated power.


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Graham's Green Energy Blog

Essential Tips for Cleaning your Grease Trap

by Robert Watson

As an essential tool in keeping your drains clog-free, your grease trap plays an important role in your restaurant. Although its efforts are quite passive, you can't just forget about it and allow it to do its job. If you want your grease trap to continue being effective, there are certain steps you need to take towards maintaining it.

Choose the Right Trap Size

If you purchase a grease trap that's too small, it won't be able to handle the amount of fat your restaurant is producing. If you're unsure as to how much fat you produce, try measuring it over the course of a week. Then create a daily average. Add a little more on top of that average, just to guarantee that your trap is the right size. If you accidentally purchase one that's too small, the grease will overflow and it won't do its job.

Avoid Using Hot Water

On the surface, pouring hot water over the grease in your trap and allowing the contents to flush downwards seems like a good idea. However, you'll only ever see aesthetic benefits. The grease will begin accumulating in your drain and will eventually cause a blockage that only a plumber can dislodge.

Don't Use Enzymes Alone

Some people choose to add enzymes to their grease trap and watch the mess disappear. Although enzymes will remove the initial layer of grease, they'll leave a layer remaining. Over time, the grease will build up and may begin producing a pungent odour. In a lot of cases, using soap, warm water and a tough scourer works well. However, you do need to clean at regular intervals, otherwise the task will become tougher.

Schedule Regular Cleaning Times

Grease trap cleaning isn't something you should do on a whim. You need to schedule it at regular intervals to ensure you're maintaining a consistent level of hygiene. By doing this, you'll make each cleaning session easier and increase the likelihood of passing an inspection. 

Use a Professional Service

It's always advisable to use a professional service to help keep your grease traps clean. Grease trap waste removal takes a lot of effort and you have a duty to dispose of the byproducts responsibly. By turning to a team of professionals for grease trap cleaning, you may be able to help your grease trap last longer.

With a little ongoing care, your grease trap will continue to do its job for years to come.
